Achnowleged formations

NQR = National Qualification Framework
EQR = European Qualification Framework link
ISCED = International Standard Classification of Education link

CountryFormationFormation ENInstitutEQFISCED
CroatiaProfessional higher education diploma Short cycle55
CroatiaProfessional bachelor diploma Professional bachelor diploma 66
DenmarkprofessionsbacheloruddannelserProfessional bachelor66
DenmarkDiploma programmes (WBL 3 years)66
DenmarkAcademy Profession (AP) Program55
FinlandShort cycleShort cycle55
FranceBrevet de technicien supérieur BTSUndergraduate technician certificates 55
FranceVocational bachelor Vocational bachelor 66
Germanystaatlich geprüfterFachschule66
Germany BachelorBachelorBerufsakademie66
HungaryFelsőoktatási szakképzésHigher-level NVQR vocational qualification55
HungaryHigher education short cycle vocational qualification55
HungaryHigher-level NVQR vocational qualification (built on HE diploma)66
ItalyPer. Ind. Maturita with Alba. New registration accepted until Mars 201655
LithuanianProfesinis Bakalauras/Aukstojo Mokslo DiplomasProfessional bachelor degree66
MaltaUndergraduate diploma55
MaltaUndergraduate certificate VET higher diploma55
MaltaHigher education certificate55
Netherlandassociate degree Short cycle55
NetherlandProfessional bachelor degree66
PolandFirst cycle vocational title66
PolandDiploma certifying the title of Inzynier66
PolandDiploma certifying the title of Licencjat66
SlovakiaAbsolventský diplom obtained at a Vyššia odborná škola55
SloveniaShort-cycle higher vocational diplomaDiploma o višji strokovni izobrazbi55
SloveniaProfessional bachelor diplomaDiploma o izobrazevanju visokem strokovnem66
SwedenDiploma in higher vocational education55
Switzerlanddipl. ESAdvanced federal diploma of higher educationEcoles Supérieures66
Switzerlanddipl. HFAdvanced federal diploma of higher educationHöhere Fachschule66
Switzerlanddipl. SSSAdvanced federal diploma of higher educationScuole Specializzate Superiori66
SwitzerlandHFPAdvanced federal diploma of higher educationHöhere Fachprüfung6 and higher6
United KindomHigher National Diplomas 55