The European Commission is conscious of the fact that Vocational Education and Training (VET)  is one of the best pathways to employment? Across the EU, recent graduates of VET programmes at upper secondary level and post-secondary level tend to be significantly more employable than recent graduates of general education: the employment rate of VET graduates was 76.1 % in 2020, compared to just 58.3 % for general education graduates.

Vocational skills are at the heart of the Youth and Jobs agenda of the EU and for this reason the European Commission has recently announced that a European Vocational Skills Week will be held from the 16th to the 20th of May 2022.  National, regional and local authorities and other stakeholders across Europe will organise VET-related events during that Week and  the Commission will also host a conference (18-19 May).

The theme of the event is ‘Skills for the Green Transition’, in line with the European Green Deal – the EU’s commitment to take all necessary steps to become carbon neutral by 2050 – which includes measures for equipping young people with the appropriate skills for employment in the green economy.

Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights said: “To succeed in making Europe greener and climate neutral, people need the right skills. Vocational education and training can be the solution people are looking for. It is suitable for learners of all ages.

For further information on this event, please contact us via the Blog!