Praxisoriented Study will be the future in EU-Counties

The executive board of EurEta had a successful meeting in Winterthur. A major topic was the future development of education in Europe. One thing is clear, the economy needs practice-oriented professional, but something is still not clear: Which educational institutions have the skills to convey this knowledge?

Practice-oriented degrees will become much more important for many EU countries.

In the last twenty years, in most countries, the education system has been rebuilt to be a purely school-based education. Today one knows that this was a mistake, the economy does not receive the workers which are needed. To cope with the future, more is needed with a professional connection. The EU will support VET education in member countries in the coming years. But this is just the first step, because lifelong learning continues and leads to the practice-oriented degrees of higher education. For many countries, it is a major political and social challenge to treat professional and academic education as equal.